Datalink Institute


The objectives of Data Link Business School are fourfold:
  • To train students to acquire specialized skills and acumen to effectively manage any organisation;
  • To provide students with the requisite training for entry into graduate programmes in business;
  • To provide students with quality academic programmes with such basic skills in business that will facilitate their job placement and retention;
  • To encourage students to seek opportunities to become self-employed and successful entrepreneurs.
Academic Departments
The School has four fully operational Departments.
  • Department of Accounting
  • Department Banking and Finance
  • Department of Marketing and Management Studies
  • Department of Human Resource Management

Academic Programmes:

Program Aims:

The rationale for the programme of the Department of Marketing is to develop students to be socially and ethically responsible through a well-balanced and integrated programme of study that provides them with the needed knowledge and skills to function more effectively in organisations.

The programme seeks to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • To equip students with the requisite knowledge, problem-solving and strong business analytical skills, and attitudes needed to facilitate the performance of marketing.
  • To train students to acquire specialized skills and acumen to effectively manage themselves and
  • To provide students with the requisite training for entry into higher degree
  • To encourage students to seek opportunities to become self-employed.

Program Aims:

The rationale of the programme under the School of Business Administration is to develop a well-balanced and integrated programme of study that ensures that students who graduate from the programme have the knowledge, skill, and competency needed to manage the financial resources of an organization which is one of its most valuable assets. Students are also trained to be socially and ethically responsible for managing themselves and financial resources in business organizations.

The programme seeks to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • To develop a well-structured and integrated programme of study that ensures relevance in the management of finances within organizations.
  • To equip candidates with the requisite knowledge, skills, and capabilities that are problem-solving and promote a holistic approach to the management of financial resources and accounting.
  • To develop in students, research and analytical skills in the management of financial resources and Accounting practices and procedures.
  • To provide students with the needed knowledge for undertaking further study in Accounting and Finance.
  • To encourage students, to take advantage of opportunities for career development in Accounting and Finance.

Program Aims:

The rationale of the programme is to develop a well-balanced and integrated programme of study that ensures that students who graduate from the programme have the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to manage an organisation’s most valued assets, the human resource. Students are also trained to be socially and ethically responsible for managing themselves and others within the work environment.

The programme seeks to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • To develop a well-structured and integrated programme of study that ensures that students get the relevance in the management of people within organizations.
  • To equip students with the requisite knowledge, skills, and capabilities, that are problem-solving and promote a holistic approach to the management of people.
  • To develop students, research, and analytical skills in the management of the human resource.
  • To provide students with the needed knowledge for undertaking further study in Human Resource Management.

Program Aims:

The aim of the programmes of the Department of Banking and Finance is to develop students to be socially and ethically responsible by providing quality education through a well-balanced and integrated academic programme. This is to enable the student to become professionally and academically functional in managing banking and financial organizations.

The programme seeks to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • To equip candidates with the requisite knowledge, skills, problem-solving techniques, tools and attitudes to facilitate and coordinate the banking and finance functions in national and multi-national corporations, public and private sector enterprises and micro, small scale and medium enterprises.
  • The programme seeks to achieve the following specific objectives:
  • To equip students with the requisite knowledge, problem-solving and analytical skills, and attitudes needed to facilitate the performance of Banking and Finance functions.
  • To train students to acquire specialized skills and acumen to effectively manage themselves and organizations.
  • To provide students with the requisite training for entry into higher degree programmes.

School of Computer Sciences

  • To provide students with high-quality programmes that confer requisite skills for job placement or entrance into graduate degree programmes.
  • To train students to analyse, design, implement and test object-oriented software solutions to “real world” problems.
  • To enable students to appreciate the value of efficient designing created to meet clearly- stated requirements. To prepare students to blend their computer abilities to problem-solving skills specific to other domains.
  • To develop in students the capabilities to work in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams.
Academic Departments
The School has two fully operational Departments under this program.
  • Department of Information Communication Technology
  • Department of Computer Science

Academic Programmes:

Academic Programmes The programmes currently being pursued are:

Program Aims:
  • To provide students with a thorough grounding in the theoretical and practical aspects of the computer science discipline necessary for successful careers as system designers in the continually developing information technology environment.
  • To provide students with a balance of knowledge and skills to design and implement software, as well as hardware systems to a professional standard.
  • To equip students to adapt to the changes and challenges that working with cutting-edge technology brings.
  • To encourage world-leading research in terms of originality, significance, and rigour.
  • To prepare students for the social, organizational, and professional context in which they will be working

The programme seeks to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • To provide students with the educational experiences that will enable them to cope with the rapidly changing subject of Computer Science;
  • To provide students with a sufficiently broad range of courses to enable them to be successful in postgraduate programmes anywhere in the world;
  • To equip students to effectively utilize their knowledge of computing principles and mathematical theory to develop sustainable solutions to current and future computing problems;
  • To train graduates to exhibit their computing expertise within the computing community through corporate leadership, entrepreneurship, and advanced graduate study.
  • To provide students with the skills to effectively develop and implement solution-based systems and processes that address issues and improve existing systems within a computing-based industry.

Program Aims:
The aim of the first degree, as structured, are consistent with the basic objectives of the university. The aims are:

  • To help students develop self-confidence, ability to innovate habits of honest scholarship and constructive and development-oriented approach to problem-solving.
  • To equip the students with specialized ICT solution knowledge and skills needed for the pursuit of careers in different sectors of the economy.
  • To help give the student a liberal educational foundation that should enable him/her to have a feeling and an understanding of different modes of intellectual thought and as they relate to various processes of living.
  • To enable the student to acquire a meaningful appreciation of major national development problems and their possible implications for international relations within Africa and the rest of the world by assimilating both the concepts and technology of information and communication elements.

It is acknowledged that, while a degree structure is important, it cannot guarantee the full realization of the stated goals; social institutions and relationships on campus, as well as relationships with the social and political environment in which the university is located, are some of the relevant supportive factors that should, in theory, result in a graduate with a well-integrated personality. The programme seeks to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • To help students become computer professionals with strong knowledge, principles, and skills in information communication technology
  • To develop students’ skills that will help them to integrate various technology solutions
  • To help students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles, and theories relating to Information Communication Technology and software applications.
  • To equip students with the right combination of knowledge and practical, hands-on expertise to plan and manage both an organization’s information communication technology infrastructure and the people who use it.
  • To enable the student to acquire practical capabilities and skills to specify, design, and implement computer-based systems.

Graduate Programmes

Master of Science in Computer Science (JUST, China)

  • To enhance the Internationalization Agenda of the College, the School of Computer Science is involved in practical programmes such as workshops, Conferences, Industrial Trips, Admission drives, Research and Innovation. Seminars were organised for students and faculty on various themes. Typical among these are “Securing Data in the 21st Century” and Cyber Security in the 21st century. Students also embarked on Industrial Attachment and other forms of Internship as part of the activities to bridge the gap between industry and academia.